in the meantime tom hirons

In The Meantime Poem & Wedding Reading

There’s something about In The Meantime by Tim Hirons that fills us with such a sense of calm and peacefulness. This poem talks about all the things we take for granted and tend to forget while the chaos of the world happens. It’s about those little details that happen 'in the meantime'. So, despite the bad day you had, the sun and moon will still set and rise, people fall in love, and life just goes on. Against all odds, the cycle of life still continues and there’s something so comforting about that. Tim Hirons’ poem is beautifully reassuring, which makes it a beautiful wedding reading. Especially during the times of today when it can seem like joy is hard to find. This wedding reading is sensitive to the fact that, sometimes, everything isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It reiterates the importance of paying attention to the constants of life. Download a PDF version of this wedding reading and take it straight to your ceremony!

In The Meantime

by Tom Hirons

Meanwhile, flowers still bloom.
The moon rises, and the sun.
Babies smile and somewhere,
Against all the odds,
Two people are falling in love.

Strangers share cigarettes and jokes.
Light plays on the surface of water.
Grace occurs on unlikely streets
And we hold each other fast|
Against entropy, the fires and the flood.

Life leans towards living
And, while death claims all things at the end,
There were such precious times between,
In which everything was radiant
And we loved, again, this world.

In the meantime...
Why not download our free PDF version of this wedding reading, so you can take it straight to your ceremony?
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In The Meantime poem by Tim Hirons is all about turning to the constant things you can rely on ‘in the meantime’ of all those big life events. By using this as a wedding reading, it suggests that your partner is one of those constants you can turn to in the hard times for reassurance that this too shall pass. It’s just beautiful. For some more poetic wedding readings, check out our top 16 wedding poems. What you can do in the meantime is take a look at our civil ceremony guide to ensure you’re fully prepared for that life-changing moment.