
Wedding Checklist - All The Details (And Printables)

Photography by Jeni Smith

Whether your engagement is long and luxurious or short and snappy, we all need help to get this thing off the ground. For many people, planning your wedding is going to be one of the biggest (also most personal) projects you undertake. Lucky for you we've been around for 10+ years helping couples to do just that. So whether you want a wedding checklist, a budget planner, a neverending stream of inspiration for all budgets or all of the above... We've got something for you.  Whilst engagements can vary wildly in length, we tend to see most couples fall into one of two wedding checklist timeframes. 18 months to go and 12 months to go. Obviously, regardless of how long it is until your day (be that years or months), you will need to complete a fair amount of these tasks anyway, so feel free to adjust to your own timeline.  To get printables and more details for each timeline, just click the buttons below and you'll be whisked off to checklist heaven (or at least some peace of mind that you've got this wedding planning business covered):  

18 Months To Go Wedding Checklist

12 Months To Go Wedding Checklist


If you want to get a headstart on your wedding planning we've included some useful links below. There are things you can get cracking on immediately. Regardless of what stage you start planning, like sourcing a photographer and finding a venue. These important aspects tend to book up in advance so it's worth jumping on that. To make these tasks easier on yourself, you can consult our Rock My Wedding Recommended Suppliers here

More Useful Links

RELATED: Wedding Budget Breakdown - How To Allocate Your Wedding Budget

RELATED: Wedding Photography - Important Questions To Ask Your Wedding Photographer

RELATED: Wedding Order Of The Day - How Your Day Should Run   
