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My Advice Wedding Reading

This My Advice wedding reading is specifically for your child or children or the kids of the couple getting married. So if you’d like to involve your kids in your wedding, this is the way to do so! My Advice wedding reading is a funny reading where the child gives advice to you (or the happy couple) on how to keep the marriage thriving, which includes keeping your sweetie draws stocked and spending all your money on the kids. If you want your guests to giggle, you’ve found the reading to do so, so download a free copy of this reading!

My Advice

by Anon

Mum and Dad Get married Today,
I’d Like to help them on their way.
So here’s some special advice from me,
To help them with our family.
Keep our house filled with laughter
Let’s have fun forever after.
Keep the drawer filled up with sweets,
And give us children lots of treats.
Make sure you spend time together,
To keep your happiness forever.
Make sure you spend lots on us,
And then us kids won’t make a fuss.
But the most important thing for you,
Is to show your love in all you do.
A caring word, a kiss, a touch,
And those family cuddles that mean so much.

Our Advice
If you have children you'd like to involve in your ceremony, then our advice would be to download this wedding reading!
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If this My Advice wedding reading is totally your vibe, you’ll also like our funny wedding readings guaranteed to get your wedding guests wiping their tears away from laughter! For some wedding planning help, you can see our ultimate wedding planning timeline. It shows you what you should be booking and when with some helpful planning articles to help your journey go without a hitch. To make sure everything is completed, you should download our 18-month or 12-month wedding planning checklists too!