
Becky: Outside influence can often make you question the choices you make for yourself and maybe you've wondered 'should I have a wedding'. Ultimately, the choice is yours and your partners but in case you need any encouragement, we're joined by Chioma Alade who shares with you her top reasons why the famous 'big day' is still very much the big day.

You will remember Chioma joined us a few weeks ago and brought her infectious energy to a post about making your micro wedding have maximum impact. The maxi-micro wedding, if you will. Chioma is the founder of Studio-Chi Weddings and specialises in wedding design. Here she is to tell you why your big day will be absolutely worth it.

As a previous bride AND professional wedding prettier (florist, decorator, and stationer) I am telling the world, yes the big day is STILL the big day. 

Is it not crazy that the majority of people who say 'a wedding day is such a faff ' are people who have either not had the opportunity to plan or are not planning a wedding. Harsh, maybe, but I am the unofficial president of the petty committee. This is our first announcement. If you are Bride or Groom reading this, you have either decided you want that beautiful big day of your dreams. Or, are planning a wedding looking at the incredible pictures on this site and thinking, is it really worth it? Should I have a wedding?


It goes without saying as a couple, what you both want should be triumphant, so if a court wedding and cup of tea is what you want then that is fab, but give me a moment of your time. It will probably be worth it. 

Let's get real... Why is the wedding day still all that important. Especially post lockdown. 


1.    It's a Privilege

Remember when we took the big day for granted and assumed it was always a possibility, then 2020 happened? 

Chuckles but yes! Having your family present, doing your day your way, hiring suppliers and family from all around the world? Getting them on a train, inter-city travel and with an abundance of toilet roll? I think 2020 taught us a real lesson. Take nothing and no opportunity for granted. Grab it with both hands and remember what a luxury and privilege it is to have a wedding and a marriage.

2.    Love is worth celebrating well

Hopefully, we fall in love with ourselves first so loving another and having them love you back is actually a gift! Whether it's a big celebration with numerous guests or a maxi-micro wedding with all the trimmings. You both deserve a day to celebrate your love uniquely on a day that belongs to you. Every decision echoes your love: the dress/suit, or whatever you choose. Cocktails and food you both love or stationery reflective of your heritage. On a day you and your guests experience that is etched in minds with your signature? When do you get to do that again with the same level of anticipation? 

3.    Supporting your local industry and creatives

If you had any idea how many people are supported through one couple's decision to celebrate their wedding, you'd be very very surprised. The arts and event professionals need our support. More so now than ever after being out of business for such a long time during 2020.

4.    A Beautiful Merge

The merging of two families is beautiful. A wedding day can honour traditions and make new ones. The way you do it could change in-law relationships to friendly relationships. If you don’t have great familial relationships but have friends like family, what a perfect time to be in the midst of those who love you at the start of your new adventure. A celebration of love and thanks to everyone around you. 

5.   You are worth more than a date

If you cannot tell, I am a little fiery. Whenever I hear... 'It's just a piece of paper' in relation to weddings and marriage I normally retort, 'If it's just another sheet then scribble on it’. Whatever people choose to do is their own business, but nothing, and no one should put you off doing what YOU wish to do. By the way, you are so worthy of a big day. The wedding day is the start of your marriage and if you want to start it off with flamingos, flowers and fanfare then give me a pink wig and trumpet because I am joining in and wishing you well!

If I had a penny for every couple I've heard doing a vow renewal ceremony because they were talked out of their dream original day I'd be a rich lady living in her countryside manor house with Hermes China already. I prefer to live my life without regrets. And you should too.

Becky: Thanks to Chioma for collaborating with us on this article and we hope it brings you one step closer to being able to answer the question of 'Should I have a wedding'. We hope that if the answer is yes, you do it on your terms and have your day your way. A mantra that Rock My Wedding has held since our inception all of those years ago.

Check out Chioma's work in Charlotte and George's post-wedding shoot and you can find out more about the services that Chioma offers on her website. You can give her a follow on Instagram too.

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