
When we launched Rock My Wedding in September 2009 the blog certainly looked very different to how it does now. We had a rather fetching blue polka dot backdrop and basic branding that makes me cringe (and want to erase it from my memory forever). But you can't forget where or what you came from. Those early days were crazy, incredibly hard work and a rollercoaster adventure of learning from our mistakes and taking risks the more often than not, have paid off. If you had told me we would be heralded as "The UK's most influential brand in the Wedding Industry" by a huge global brand such as Universal McCann and asked to work on a project in association with the government I probably would have laughed at you (in a nice way, and told you that you were lovely but possibly also quite mad). If you had also told me that one day we would secure a book deal with the world's largest publishing power house then I would have definitely thought that you were a slice or two short of a Victoria Sponge. Today we can officially let you know that you can now pre-order my book "Your Day Your Way" on Amazon. The official launch date is February 9th 2017. We may have massively evolved our aesthetic, but we have never ever deviated from our original brand ethos. We believe every bride and groom deserves to have the best day of their lives, whether this involves incorporating your favourite traditions or ignoring them entirely. We believe in staying true to your personal style and that love really does conquer all. The Rock My Wedding book is full of inspiration for your floral decor to your ceremony music and everything in between. You'll find pages and pages of breathtaking photography, never-seen-before imagery and a plethora of planning advice, tips and budget adhering tricks. We sincerely hope it becomes your coffee table companion in assisting you on creating a truly memorable and special celebration of happy-ever-after. Your day your way. I would like to personally thank you, our loyal and supportive community for making our dreams become a reality and my team for all of their talent and contributions towards developing such a beautiful book. Please do hop on over to our sister site Rock My Style for more of an insight into the creative process. Big Love All x
Charlotte O'Shea

Written by Charlotte O'Shea

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